Michael Scott: The Demon-Architect of Scotland

Hello legend-lovers!

Remember me? XD

How was your Christmas and New Years? Do you have goals for 2024?

Finishing 2023 with a full head and a weary body, I looked over everything I wanted to do in 2024 and thought... that's too much. 😅 So I'm pulling back; focusing on achievable and worthwhile goals, and aiming to set time aside to rest and enjoy simple joys from day to day. The two big projects I'm working on are my novel The Mistwaes Home, and the musical The Piper's Mountain.

I'm also still building and growing my business, The Book Balladiers! You've all been supportive as I've put this together, and I'm grateful for you humouring me as I tell you about it. But I'm also aware that it's not what you signed up for.

So, from now on, I'm not going to give you TBB news and updates. If you want to keep in touch with the business, you can sign up to the Book Balladiers newsletter here. Each newsletter will include a writing game (this week it's describe your book's setting as a 1-star Yelp review hehe), news from other writers in the community, and news, sales and discounts. If you're considering buying a theme from us, I highly recommend signing up, so you can hear when things go on sale! :D

(And that is the last time I'll promote TBB at the Campfire. Promise.)

Because of this newsletter, I'm going to aim to send Campfire emails monthly, instead of fortnightly. (Which changes the advertising more than anything else, eh? 😅)

Now that that's out of the way, onto the legend!

Funny story: I had the Legend of the Seven Sleepers all written out for you and ready for editing and sending. I'd read it in an interesting book, and thought, ooh a legend! I could share it with my myth-makers!

But after I'd written it out, I came to realise a horrible truth. Outside of the historical context of the book, the story is really boring. 😂

It's basically this: Seven Roman Christians fall asleep in a cave. They wake up 180 years later and are like 'wow, the whole world has changed! And everyone's a Christian!' Then they wither away and die. The end.

Have a wonderful January!

<3 Debbie

(Just kidding.)

I was going to start the new year all 'let's look back and see how far we've all come since last year', but then I found this wild tale from Scotland called Michael Scott. I don't know about you, but I would much rather start 2024 with a demon-commanding architect from The Office than seven guys going 'wow look how different the world is now!' 😏 🤣

(CW: If you haven't already surmised, this story contains witchcraft, demons, and Satan.)

Michael Scott and two friends were moving to the city to find work. As they travelled, they found a large serpent slithering toward them. Michael's friends were terrified, but he stood his ground, and, as it rose up on its tail to strike, he swiftly cut it into three quivering pieces.

Relieved, the small group continued travelling. At sunset, they came across an inn, and decided to spend the night there. As they talked with the landlady over supper, they mentioned the snake they'd found on the way. She was very curious, and asked them to bring back the snake's belly, for a price. She was delighted when they did so, and worked hard to make their stay even more comfortable.

But her reaction puzzled Michael, and he wanted to investigate. As he finished dinner, he pretended that he was feeling unwell. 'You must spend the night here, by the fire,' the innkeeper said. 'The warmth will help you to feel better.'

So he laid down by the fire and pretended to fall asleep. In the middle of the night, the woman returned with the snake, and began to perform dark rituals and ceremonies. After she'd cooked it, she brought it out in a dish and placed it by the fire to stew overnight. Every so often, she would come back out and dip her finger in the strange stew, and each time, a rooster in the corner of the room would crow.

Michael watched all this, his emotions warring inside him. He was sure there was something satanic about what she was doing, and he didn't want to get involved. But at the same time, his curiosity was growing as to what was going on.

Finally, his curiosity won. When she'd returned to the kitchen, he got up and dipped his finger in the stew, then tentatively tasted it. Instantly, the rooster began to speak, telling him the terrible consequences of his actions. The innkeeper came out of the kitchen, alarmed, and realised that Michael Scott had inherited her powers. There was nothing she could do but begin to teach him what she knew.

Michael's powers and skills grew until he was a match for Satan himself. He convinced his demons to work for him instead, sending them to build towers and bridges all over the empire. The Scottish people were alarmed: enormous structures would be built in one or two nights, but no one was ever seen working on them. (But the really puzzling part was that every project was delivered ahead of schedule and under budget... 🤯 😜)

The demons were so efficient that work began to die out. The demons became restless, harrassing Michael until he finally gave them a task he believed would be impossible. 'Make me a rope to carry me to the back of the moon,' he told them. 'But make it out of miller's sudds and sand.'

The demons never succeeded at this task, but if you go to the sea-shore today, you can see some of their attempts.

Michael had many fearsome enemies. Satan prepared a special place in hell for him, with lions and toads and an enormous serpent. But despite his enemies' confidence, Michael believed that he would be saved from hell.

Just before he died, he gave instructions to his friends. 'Take my heart out and put it on a stake,' he said. 'If a black crow takes it away, you'll know that I am in hell. But if a white dove comes, you'll know that I am safe in heaven.'

Michael died, and his friends did as he asked. They put his heart on a stake and retreated to watch. A black crow appeared and, directly opposite it, a white dove. The crow dived quickly for the heart but, at the last moment, missed and flew past it. At the same moment, the dove deftly took the heart and carried it off.

His friends were delighted at Michael's salvation, and his vindication.

I've known many people who have been trapped and tormented by demons and witchcraft, so telling a story about them makes me uncomfortable. Thankfully, Jesus is more powerful than demons (and Michael Scott), and has saved many from their slavery. And those eople are now eager to tell others about the security and peace that Jesus provided.

That's the lovely thing about God, and about this story: even the most terrible things can be used for good.

This January, I've been surprised at how tired I am. It's January, I think. How can I be tired already? But the reality is that my body and my circumstances aren't a blank slate, just because I had to buy a new calendar. The hurt and hardship we experience is carried through each day, and, naturally, each year.

But as we keep going, we'll see God use terrible things to bring love and goodness, even in the most unlikely places. Even our own selfishness, pride and foolishness can become part of our stories of how amazing God is. :)

"You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." (Genesis 50:20 (Spoilers for the rest of the Bible lol))

Has this been your experience before? Or have you faced pain and evil that seems too big to be turned into something good?

I'd love to hear your stories, and I have some of my own to share too, if you'd like. :) As always, you're most welcome to reply and tell me your thoughts. :)

I hope you have a wonderful 2024, my friend.

<3 Debbie

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